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The Cloak, The Truth Not Visible

Depection Of Cloak Image

Filmed in California, a UFO' filmed with a 4k camera, and it went viral.

A white bright spark seemingly jets across screen, making news.

Is this some sort of aircraft ?

                                        Front has similar design aerodynamics of stealth aircraft
                                                              Tail fin ?
                                          Front wheel enclosure ?
                                                           Rear wing ?
It appears to have some sort of hump underneath where the front wheel carriage enclosure might be, the front of UFO is almost space shuttle or stealth aircraft like,  or is it just a light reflection like some say.

Cloaking technology is being researched an exists to some extents even now, so why would Governments let this major advantage not be researched and developed, it is fairly safe to say it would be to some extent a military priority, the ability to be able to launch an attack without being seen, is this the developmental stage of cloaking tests by US ?

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