-dreamworld - people walking around in uncertainty - nervous, avoiding, cautious - imagining, thinking in
drifts about things, this equals that - ahh understanding - (another dream) sectular thoughts - this person
is this and rationalised it even though may be wrong - cute kid, better not look too much, might smile even
though is not my kid, might talk to this person in a friendly manner, might re-asssure this person in what
they are doing - sectular dreamworld. fear in each second in public, even if some learn to ignore or use
self-manipulative fear over-comes or drugs, drugs furthermore are greater than height (also dreaming, the
moment is greater than instead of the moment of actuality - examplifcation of thought itself - exzasperation
(overlay - the moment being of greater effect than actually is - amplified existing in momentary)
drifts about things, this equals that - ahh understanding - (another dream) sectular thoughts - this person
is this and rationalised it even though may be wrong - cute kid, better not look too much, might smile even
though is not my kid, might talk to this person in a friendly manner, might re-asssure this person in what
they are doing - sectular dreamworld. fear in each second in public, even if some learn to ignore or use
self-manipulative fear over-comes or drugs, drugs furthermore are greater than height (also dreaming, the
moment is greater than instead of the moment of actuality - examplifcation of thought itself - exzasperation
(overlay - the moment being of greater effect than actually is - amplified existing in momentary)