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      Mental Health Anti-Psychotics Dilute/Damage Nerve Sensitivity

      Mental Health Anti-Psychotics Dilute/Damage Nerve Sensitivity

      Nerve sensitivity/receptivity -

      Anti-psychotics effect the neural-nerve-sensitive, this means the ability to comprehend the Psychiatrist and other people the mental health patient may encounter - anti-psychotics contain sedative based agents and this doubles the ability of recognition further - a plateau of submussion often forced in wards on the patient till this oppression/anguish plateau of behaviourals or be it inability to control own behavioural's during this process, patients will often complain or be fearful, this is the effect of forcing a submission on mind till the mind adapts to this.

      A patient often exists in a blankness of nerve intensification's that most enjoy, a reflective diminished ability - long term medication will force this submission and it appears the patient gets by easier, though recognition/awareness and instinctual recognition's (interpretation/learning/memory recall) are removed - rationally the patient is more so incapable after treatment as the plateau of submussion of mental clarity and accuracy (ability to adapt, to motivate even to clean own house) are almost completely removed - this is evident in major physical/mental lacks of energy seen in patients and a need to replenish nutrition/chemical draining of the minds connecting structure. (signaling/receptors of transmitting pathways around the physical form on brain)

      Long term patients often end up in childish like states, an inability that is simply seen furthermore as mental health issues, though realistically it is damage to mind (a reversion to formations of connectivity - as seen in childhood growth)

      In an interview environment the patient often exists with a preclusion or decline away from the psychiatrist - an acceptance that there is nothing they can change, a few will snap in this from awareness of the actuality of treatment and treatment long term -awareness of mental submussion, which they calculate often from being put to sleep, from loosing a grasp of all eventing and whole perception of eventing and prior. [an awareness of mental submussion and fear caused]

      Anti-psychotics blanket receptivity of all nerves and reading of another communicants nerves, this creates a state of lucidness in the apparent of interviewing standards (psychological factoring inability, a dissection of mental factoring that skips outside of the normality of psychiatry thinking) nerve receptivity is dulled often to such an extent, the patient is left with a black recognition and awareness - they loose control and feel are loosing control (memory recall of life eventing) a sedated numbness that literally destroys any chance the person has to calculate responses in the momentary.
      [many patients will make up for this inability with substitutes that aggravate like marijuana, to intensify fear and awareness itself - a resolve to the level of impairment the system standardises ]

      Behavioural analysis is about movements - though why does the interpretation exist with such value ? its simple, you electrically respond to nerve (receptivity between two or more communicants) instinctual awareness - (we are but animals, or if you take further into psychic reading abilities, we are clerically aliens, genetic engineering of life on our planet - A spirit race, psycho-connectivity between all living things- )

      Why should anti-psychotics be changed/banned ? it effects the sensodyne of interpretant in interview environments while on sedative based agents, the actual is removing or removing the perception of the person having a chance at recovery or perceived by psychiatry standards, to be well. (submussion, in-clarity, perceptive abilities - to be seen as the person is of capability)

      Patients as a common often fight the psychiatrist in a state of defensive, it is seen the patient has mental inability in this, though realistically the patient fighting the system is highly if not entirely justified from impairment standards long term and knowledge of long term patients and fear of even becoming of perceived ill.  [rationalised impairment standards]

      What is psychosis ? Psychosis is a state of being completely instinctually aware, to read into the surrounding depth to a point it is seen as ab-normal, a heightened sensitivity of the actual, where the actual is perceived as too focused on the issue (even though in momentary distinction, the issue may be the effecting or impacting to high degree, a narrowed differentiation that can not be understood with current psychological dissections of mental flaws in psychological valuing itself ) an impact to the person, the person foreseeing it is the cause, is often overlooked with a mental attribute [a psychological dissection or factor of behaviourism of mind; example: the person can not remember is seen as needing medication, often causing cognitive impairment completely, or realistically a learning inability-]

      This can also be seen by patients becoming highly sexual and abusive towards nerve reactive's itself, a distance to the actual, a sexual repression against into lacking nerve awareness insights /repossession /reflective to engage nerve itself - an instinctual reflective of the against of mind's defensive /adaption complexities - [persecution /occurrent revolve/resolute]

      An inability to maintain sensory focal strinctment.

      [this post is in current editing...]
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