So was reported, that :
Man Haron Monis was holding classified information.
To use classified Information to escape an impairing system. A fearful/frightful fight for your own justice and holding the very classification that examples it is at base level mistreatment.Where classified knowledge becomes a fight for fairness, where disregard from systematic, becomes a need or non-care into extremes of point examplification or hopelessness end (knowing future outcomes) into extremity of defensives/assault.
To example among silence of; to convey the information to example under silence his standing issue, to from his point of perspective calculated of taking a risk at extremes against, to chance giving the information base to ASIO for own fairness and example of be it criminal acts against, as to why holding the level of information, with taking a major risk of the knowledge classificant being already known and reprisal that comes, an extremity of defensive in calculus, the furthered extreme of chancing itself.
Persecute complexes formed from informational basis standing and reaction/defensibility to the persecution.
The problem being, they hold all the information you are trying to report in attempt to mention of extremity of injustice.
Man Haron Monis like many was subject to false system psychological attributes, a system medicating a mass while the top levels hold information of suggestive of it being not a healthy option to the person or to the persons life but simply do not care because need to keep these facts classified with the very assailants realising can get away with it.
Man Haron Monis attempted to get out of system like many, that is simply damaging to mental acuity of a mass - with treatment for technological crime and Governmental failure to report this to psychiatry therefore leaving major problems with system and controlling of revenge/mental impairment by assailants.
Voices ? a commons of technological assaulting [treated for the very shock/frictive of torture]
Patients with delusional information ? - Some of it is a commons of leveled information, and treated for unjustly.
While the Government buggers around holding information like children not wanting to share lollies, mental health are being played with sexually and toyed with like animals.
A commons of reactive play overlaying. An example of this is a commons of 'war' in illness regards, to have the person playing a war god, a sickening level of experimentational overlaying of playing with reactives [watching the person suffer, to play with patients like are just marbles]
Some other standings of observation play extremes are: Jesus,Aliens, Military : 'you are in military' ; to prey on a person directly for enjoyment of viewing.
Note: that patients are being treated directly with neural-chemically altering medications for these manipulations used against and the very friction traumatic and fear intensification of the very confliction of.
Why is this an issue ? as these assailants have significant controlling over the mental health system itself to degree of seriously altering treatment to impair - and these patients are often held to account and found guilty unjustly with court system.
How far does it go ? Murder. An experimental extreme of manipulating a person into murder even for viewable enjoyment [incarcerated long term and treated among the thought confliction for, to extents of controlled brain damage] Patients living and even forced into acceptance that what they perceive as the actual, is simply all in the mind [sickening forced acceptances]
Mental Health Legal Defense is Non-existant - Those holding classifications are not just sitting by while a mass has their mentals murdered, they are then jailing for even though the overlaying [perceptual overlaying advantage] of assailant intent itself to commit the very crime for reactional observation.
More to be added to this story soon: if you liked this article, please check our post on mental health experimentation here: